JavelinaHunter.com Your Source For All Things Relating To JAVELINA Hunting.

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Javelina Heaven 1
Javelina Heaven 2
Javelina Heaven 3
Javelina Heaven 4
Javelina Heaven 5
Javelina Heaven 6
Javelina Heaven 7
Javelina Hunter 8
Javelina Heaven 9
Javelina Heaven 10
Javelina Heaven 11
Javelina Heaven 12
Javelina Heaven 13
Javelina Heaven 14
Javelina Heaven 15
Javelina Heaven 16
Javelina Heaven 17
Javelina Heaven 18
Javelina Heaven 19

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Dan Neilson, Montana, Arizona Pig, (click on picture to enlarge)

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Jerry, Montana, Arizona pig, (click on picture to enlarge)

Submit your Javelina hunting pictures

bulletHere's How
bulletE-mail picture to NOSPAMapjones@JavelinaHunter.com (delete the "NOSPAM") 
bulletSend as an attachment (JEPG is best, we will crop as required)
bulletPlease name the subject of the email "javelina picture"
bulletIf the subject doesn't have the word "Javelina" it will be deleted!
bulletPlease include name of hunter and any information you want posted with picture

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Last modified: Wednesday July 11, 2012.