JavelinaHunter.com Your Source For All Things Relating To JAVELINA Hunting.

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Attached is a picture of the Javelina I shot this month in Frio County, Texas. It was a large sow taken with my Mathews Adrenalin bow at ten yards. Thanks! Michael J. Conner San Francisco, CA

This is a picture of me and my two brothers after a successfull hunt in January. We we stocking a javelina we saw crossing a draw and spooked up a group of about 30. We each shot our 2 limit but were able to choose the ones we wanted. This picture is taken above the draw we hunted. The ranch is just outside Sierra Blanca, Texas about 8 miles east. I hope you can use this picture we are very proud of our hunt. Much Thanks, I love the website.

Chris Virdell

In picture from left to right: Jacob Virdell, Eric Virdell, and Chris Virdell

This was taken on the San Carlos, AZ. Love the website. Thanks, Jason Cook



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Last modified: Wednesday July 11, 2012.