Jim Lawrence of Mesa AZ. Javelina taken my first time at
archery. I bought a used bow and now I am hooked. Had to pack him along
way so used my belt as a sling! Thanks for all the great info and help, Jim.
I love your site and have learned quite a bit about Javelina from it. I
noticed that you were looking for some more Javelina photos. Well, my wife and I
live in El Paso, but we have a small ranch in Brewster County Texas near Big
Bend National Park. I keep a scout camera rigged up at my feeder and I have
several herds in the area that come by to feed. I've included some of what I
feel are the most interesting photos.

1. Spooked! In this photo, something spooked this feeding herd just as the
camera went off. I think they may have caught a whiff of a predator nearby.

2. 0178 This is one of my better close ups of three adults at the feeder. The
feeder puts out corn twice a day for the herds.

3. 0154 A brand new piglet follows mama around. I'm not sure how old that
baby is. Maybe you could advise me?
Keep up the good work on the web site! John & Linda Cataldi CDP Ranch