Weather is not the only thing which dictates what you wear when hunting
Javelina. If you are coming to the southwest for your first hunt don't be
fooled by the day time highs generally in the 68 - 72 degree range. T-shirt
weather right?...wrong, I can't think of a bush, tree, or cactus that doesn't
have some type of thorn, needle, or sticker on it. Long sleeve shirt (preferably
cotton or cotton blend) is a must, not only will it keep you warm in the early
morning, it will protect your arms from all the things that will poke, stick,
and scratch you, as well as from sunburn.
Trick for keeping warm but traveling light
Morning lows in the southwest deserts generally will be in the low 30's
(depending on elevation and location mid 20's are possible). Temperature
variation from morning low to afternoon high often exceeds 45 degrees.

Be prepared. Yes, even snow is possible! The author outside of
Tucson, Arizona, during the January archery hunt...try explaining to your
friends how you became lost in a blowing snow storm, with no coat, wet tennis
shoes, pitch dark, carrying a 50 pound Javelina, for over 6 hours--all in
the supposedly hot and dry desert!
To keep warm but still travel light (no jacket or sweatshirt). Get your
self a military field jacket liner from your local GI surplus store. A
field jacket liner is best described as a very light weight (matter of ounces),
polyester fiber filled, long sleeved undershirt. They are extremely
warm. When dressing for the morning hunt wear a t-shirt, field jacket liner,
and your long sleeved camo shirt (over the liner). You will be warm and comfortable.
Once the day warms-up you can remove the field jacked liner and store it in your
fanny pack.
Go for loose and comfortable. Don't bother with those "snake
proof" pants. They make to much noise and snakes are not much of a problem
during the January or February Arizona hunting season (the earliest I've seen rattlesnakes is
mid March). The best choice is military
style BDU pants in my opinion. They have extra large pockets for gear,
reinforced seams, and are fairly quiet.
Yes, wear a hat. Sunburn is a concern even in January. Any baseball or
"booney style" will do.
Foot wear selection is extremely important (maybe your most important decision).
Lightweight hiking boots or even tennis shoes will do. The most important criteria is that
they are well broken-in and very comfortable. If your hunting technique is
walking the flats to cut Javelina "runs" and trails, you will be
putting in several miles per day on your feet. A blister or severely sore
feet will ruin
your hunt.
When's the last time you walked 5 miles? If you have trouble
remembering, you need to condition your feet and your foot wear
prior to the hunt.
Fanny pack
Key piece of equipment. Many excellent manufactures and options for
under $60.
Miscellaneous things to carry in fanny