JavelinaHunter.com Your Source For All Things Relating To JAVELINA Hunting.

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Expect Javelina to be most active during the early morning hours and again just before dusk.  The Javelinas' grayish coat blends perfectly in desert terrain. A pair of 10x50 binoculars and either a 20x50 or a variable power 15-45x60 spotting scope are good options for optics.

When a Javelina standing still, it is extremely difficult to spot, even when you know its there.  Luckily Javelina travel in herds, which can makes spotting them a little easier. I look for movement and dark color patterns. I start my search by climbing to an elevated vantage point and using my 10X50 Steiner binoculars. I then study the surrounding desert until I find Javelina.  Sometime this takes minutes and other times several days.

 In flat terrain, forget the 10X50s and spotting scope, and go with inexpensive compacts which will fit in a shirt pocket.  Generally in the desert flats, because of thick desert vegetation, your Javelina spotting and viewing opportunities and distances will be under 75 yards.  Compacts will work nicely to verify dark objects laying under mesquite trees or confirm stumps, barrel cactus, and rocks are indeed stumps, barrel cactus, and rocks.

Once you locate a herd pay attention to wind and noise and begin your stalk

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Javelina are not the only thing that will be in the desert flats. Photo by  AP Jones.


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Last modified: Wednesday July 11, 2012.